Sunday 15 December 2013

Nelson Mandela is dead

Friday 6 2013 December
A message from South Africa has reached the whole world: Nelson Mandela has died. He was one of the most important and popular politicians of our time.
Hardly a politician was so well known and popular as Nelson Mandela. He was the first black president of South Africa. In 1994 he was elected. That was something very special for the people of the country. Because before Nelson Mandela became president, living in South Africa has long been very difficult for people with darker skin color.

Dark-skinned South Africans had for many years the same rights as light-skinned and were suppressed. Nelson Mandela fought for the blacks. But he came to prison. Only after 27 years, he was released. Soon after, the South Africans elected him as their president. He was also honored with the Nobel Peace Prize. The Peace Prize is the most important in the world.

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