Sunday 15 December 2013

million Syrian children on the run

In Syria rages a brutal civil war. Many families have fled the violence in their homeland. Around three million children were forced to leave their home towns or even the country.

For more than two years reigns in Syria civil war. There fight the supporters and opponents of President Bashar Assad against each other. Among the consequences, more and more children suffer. They are fleeing violence in neighboring countries such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. They have to leave their homes and often their families. Meanwhile, half of all refugees are children, experts say. Most of them are younger than eleven years.
UNICEF and the United Nations for Refugees (abbreviated UNHCR) trying to help the boys and girls. In so-called refugee camps they care for the children and vaccinate them against measles, for example. In addition to medical care, there are also lessons. The experts, however, warn that not enough is done. It is necessary more money to feed the refugee children, they say.
About one million Syrian children have so far not taken refuge in other countries. Inside Syria around two million girls and boys are estimated on the run. You are in danger. Therefore ask the charities that people who make war let the children and their families in peace. They should also be allowed to leave the country and get to safety. Those who continue to attack children, should be punished for it, say UNICEF and UNHCR.

Other organizations are committed to the children of Syria, for example, Save the Children. But the politicians have to act worldwide, is required. They should strive to find a solution so that a return to peace in Syria.

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