Sunday 15 December 2013

Mentioned 40-year-old foetus in the body of a 82-year-old woma

In Colombia doctors have discovered a so called stone child in the belly of a 82 year old woman. The dead abdomen of the 82 year old woman. The dead fetus was 40 years in the body of the woman. The woman came to the hospital because of diarrhea. The doctors discovered the dead fetus on a radiography. The woman’s 40 year old dad fetus was now removed surgically. The first stone child that was documented, should be born in 1554. The woman had a normal pregnancy. The birth was heralded with labor and amniotic fluid at, but the child was not born. The woman survived this scenario, but complained of pain throughout their lives. For three years she was even bedridden. was only when the woman died 28 years later and was dissected, was found in the mother's womb the petrified child. This case is also known as the "stone of Sens child."

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